Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Eco Camp Session 2: Day 2

At Terrific Tuesdays, the Eco Campers reused plastic bags to make jump ropes.

They used the jump ropes in the Olympic themed activities.

In honor of the Olympics, the Eco Campers reused CDs to make their own medals.

The kids learned about how disease and toxins can spread through
water sources in an activity called Poison Pump.

Michelle helped the kids finish their bandannas.

Jade and Cate slaved away in the kitchen to make Gold Medal Cookies for the kids' snack.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Eco Camp Session 2: Day 1

Today we created garden markers for our plot in the community garden.
We will soon know where each vegetable is growing.

The kids used their knowledge of the oil spill in Louisiana
to help Jenny simulate our own oil spill.

Barb taught the kids all about our campus on a tour.
They learned many things including: the benefits of having a
"Green Roof" and using a worm bin.

Avery used her creativity to tie-dye a bandanna.

Miah enjoyed our morning snack, moose lips.

Rochester learned about his impact on the earth with his Eco Footprint Quiz.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A few more introductions

Since our Eco Events Assistants have been given airtime it's only fair that we also recognize our outdoor crew. This team will be dividing their time between HUG and HDT projects around campus. So far they have been battling the weeds in the garden, clearing brush in the woods and planting A LOT of trees.

Sarah Wood, has returned to remind the weeds who's boss!

Cody Dabill, a Pine River local knows what hard work is all about.

Derek Sonenstahl returns to HUG and HDT as summer staff - last year he constructed and put up bluebird houses around campus for his Eagle Scout Project

Last but not least we have Dalton Dabill, but I have yet to catch up with him and get a picture...

We can see the raspberries again!

Sarah has been busy all spring trying to stay ahead of the weeds in the garden. Thanks to her diligent efforts and some help from Derek the raspberry plants are once again visible!

Yes, there really are raspberries in there!

Raspberries, less the weeds and a new layer of mulch!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

HDT Welcomes Michelle Hoefs!

Michelle Hoefs joined the HDT team in May 2010 as a full-time program assistant. In her role, Michelle will provide support for all HDT programs in the areas of education, food and water security, and sustainability programs. She jumped right in with the planning and preparation for the first session of Eco Camp.

HDT welcomes new and returning faces for the summer

With 5 sessions of Eco Camp and plans to attend the Cass and Crow Wing County Fairs, HDT will be plenty busy this summer. Our Eco Events Assistants shouldn't run out of things to do!

PR-B third-grade teacher Jenny Sether signed on to help out with this summer's Eco Events

Cate Zebroski, PR-B junior and former HDT volunteer knows what needs to be done.

Jade Krueger, PR-B junior and past HDT volunteer is back for more!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Eco Camp 2010 Session 1

Eco Camp Session 1 was for grades 1-3. The kids participated in: paper-making, tie dyeing , gardening, pond studies, a trip to the transfer station, fun snacks, many games, and recycled crafts. Thanks to all our new help for summer, session 1 was a HUGE success!

Ella shows off her tie dyed bandanna at lunch.

Barb leads a pond study at the PRB school forest.

Christopher enjoys his fun snack, goldfish in the pond.

Jenny helps Tony create his reused tank top tote.

Naarah, Sadie, and Zoe try not to smell the transfer station.

All the kids helped plant the HDT plot at the community garden.

Zoe reuses paper by recreating new paper.